I have often wondered if I am in the wrong line of business – I think I want to become a consultant in our state.

“We have quite a few communities on board, with commitments so far totaling around $130,000,”

The coalition, which includes representatives from Watertown to Elk Point, hopes to raise $200,000 for its study.

One I-29 community that has committed financial support is Madison, which has pledged $25,000 from the city and the local economic development corporation,

He also is asking the state of South Dakota to contribute $50,000 toward the study.

I do think the study is a worthy cause, but I wonder why it can’t be done by city and state employees or contracted through both of our universites that already get state money. It seems we are quick to hire outsiders all the time.

Fire up the government burn barrel.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “More taxpayer money wasted on consultants”
  1. I’ll give them the answer – start a completely new colleg on the ecampus of one of our two major univerities dedicated to renewable energy (not just ethanol) and start business incubators in several towns along the corridor for new start-ups in the industry to get going.
    Second, make the area more attractive to highly educated people who will start these firms and give them tax incentives if they manufacture their product in the state. This will add more R&D and management type jobs, as well as a lot of new manufacturing jobs – a good diverse base of a workforce.
    How much do I get paid for that?

  2. Sorry Dude, I can’t give you anything, I don’t even get paid.

    Wanna start a consulting firm? We’ll call it ‘Common Sense Consulting’. Wait, that will be our code name. We need a name that South Dakota bureaucrats will understand . . . ‘Waste of Taxpayer’s money Consulting.’

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