Not just a pretty face, but also a rabble rouser

I compared representative Noem to Palin, way back in the day; just read her BIO, funny stuff.

But Madville adds a little more to my original findings.

I find it extremely funny that a ‘retired farmer’ would take on Heidepriem. I agree with Kristi, he has a conflict of interest, but you may be barking up the wrong tree. West River vs. East River. This is just starting to heat up.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Just for the record”
  1. Total conflict of interest. I like that he asks her to speak privately about it instead of in public.
    He just doesn’t want everyone to know where he is getting all of his wampum.

  2. So let me see if I understand this. Heidepriem is being called out because his firm represents a client involved in gambling….but do we know who that client is?

    The fact is, if this bill would have passed it would have opended up the floodgates to legalized gambling anywhere in the state. That would likely cause direct harm to the Indian casinos as well as all the video lottery holes that happen to be in the same vicinity as a shiny new casino.

    So if Heidepriem represents the tribes or the small time operator with a few video lottery machines, this bill would actually hurt the person he represents, and thus there not only is no conflict of interest, but there is the exact opposite.

    What am I missing here?

  3. Actually, if you read the entire article, his firm is representing a California firm interested in opening a casino in SD. Either way it is moot, because it fell flat on it’s face because it was a stupid proposal. I’ll give props to Kristi for calling his ass out on it, but in the end, Scott is right, this was a partisan attack by an up and coming Republican in the state. If Klocek would have brought it up, I would give it some validity.

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