Heidi-Scott needs to stop promoting his client’s ideas and needs to start looking at the bigger picture;

But the idea of competing with a casino by building another casino doesn’t make sense – at least for now – since no one knows how the economic dominoes are going to fall once Grand Falls opens. Though there certainly will be some impact on Sioux Falls’ economy, that doesn’t mean this city – or state – needs to panic either.

To tell you the truth, most people don’t buy Heidi-Scott’s argument either. The only panic this new operation will bring is if the casino will have enough parking spots the day of their first job-fair.

By l3wis

12 thoughts on “Even the dull knives on the Gargoyle Leader’s ED Board get it; The Grand Falls Casino will NOT hurt Sioux Falls!”
  1. I think Heidi is playing to the dumbest people he can find. No thinking person could possibly see this casino harming SF’s or SD’s economy.
    Sure, we’ll lose a little tax revenue from our own casinos, but the economic activity from construction and operation of this facility will mostly be felt in SF. Does anyone see Lyon county getting a walmort, large grocery store, mall, or decent movie theatre anytime soon?

  2. The angst over this casino is bizzare. Considering the enormous amount of Iowa commerce benefiting Sioux Falls, its a little hypocritical to complain when a little goes the other way.

    Other people have correctly pointed out that Sioux Falls will benefit the most from this trade, I would add that this is a free country, Iowa is a sovereign state, and the people who patronize the casino are consenting adults. MYOB

    “No nation was ever ruined by trade.” – Ben Franklin. That applies to cities too.

  3. I agree 100% I sometimes wonder what fucking planet Heidi-Scott is living on? Is he really that out of touch with constituents?

  4. Southeast from SF will finally grow. There’s lots of land still in SD just outside the city limits. New construction and more recreation are good for SD. We must have occassional escapes from city repression.

  5. Southeast from SF will finally grow. There’s lots of land still in SD just outside the city limits. New construction and more recreation are good for SD. We must have occassional escapes from city repression.

    You keep f*cking that chicken, PG.

    Show of hands: Who feels “repressed” by the city of Sioux Falls’ government?

  6. Dude’s correct, and to keep crying “repression” at every turn is somewhat diminishing to those around the world who suffer or have suffered under the real deal.

  7. PG may be blowing the ‘repression’ thing out of proportion but I agree with him on a lower level. It’s like the city telling people over the last few days to not do laundry or flush our toilets. Which I find ironic. They continue to raise our water and sewer rates and property taxes every year to pay for ‘upgrades’ then turn around and tell us not to flush the shitter because it will result in an apocalypse. Here’s the deal. I think it is outrageous to raise our rates every year by over 10% then turn around and say the system cannot keep up. Use the damn money to fix it or lower our rates. You can’t have your cake and eat it to.

  8. Agreed about the sewers. Cities, like people, need to prioritize their spending. You don’t buy luxeries when needs are not being met. We are cutting the police budget amongst other things. Cops, firement, roads, infrastructure are all needs, they are the first thing that needs to be funded and the last thing that should be cut.

    Rec Centers and Pavilions and Event Centers are luxeries. The first things that should be cut and the last thing that should be funded.

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