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Believe it or not, as a deist, I support it, to a degree. Ben Franklin, my favorite founding father, convinced me that a ‘prayer’ or a time of ‘reflection’ helped calm lawmakers. He felt that before the debates and disagreements in the Congressional Congress started, they essentially ‘broke bread’ together, they shared a time of common good, and reflection, and how our fellow man is our brothers and sisters and while we may want to strangle each other over the next several hours, we will meet in peace first, go fist-a-cuffs, then enjoy some barley pop afterwards.

Of course, our fine mayor must twist it into being about water, wine and tennis;

“Whether it be a motivational reading or a prayer, we have stewards of all denominations actively engaged to help represent the increased diversity of our town,” Huether said.

I wonder if anyone has told Mike that Dale Carnegie wasn’t the son of gawde?

This isn’t about religion, as much as people want to make it about that on both sides, I will say this is about getting along.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “My mixed feelings about the ‘invocation’ and the Supreme Court Ruling”
  1. I think it’s funny (and no surprise) that a bunch of old white Christians can’t see how people not in their club might have a problem with their blind spot.

    It’s sort of like how Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (accurately) pointed out over the weekend that more white people believe in ghosts than in racism.

  2. When there’s a prayer or mention of God I’m reminded that this country was born on the basis of your choice of belief. God has mention to remind us that religious diversity is undeniable. However, there will always be separation of church and state.

    I’m not opposed to religious mention and/or a short prayer in a government setting.

    I have no respect for Mike Huether and will not accept his opinion because his actions deny citizens fundamental liberties guaranteed by the constitution.

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