
While I found the campaign partially clever, I guess I would not have used that particular phrasing. But this is not the first time a government agency has come up with a silly motto. Remember the Downtown parking motto, Look for the Gold ‘P’? And who can forget Kmart’s “I just shipped my pants.”

I challenge my readers to come up with ‘other’ phrases in the comment section that don’t refer to bodily fluids, poop or masturbating. I don’t think it should be too hard.

What I find troubling though is that $100K of tax money was spent on an ad campaign that won’t even be launched. Does that mean we will get a refund? Or will Lawrence and Schiller do a new campaign at no cost?

As you remember, L & S is famously known for getting No-Bid contracts with the state for marketing campaigns, millions of dollars of them. I also find it ironic that one of the founders of the company, Craig Lawrence, a self admitted ultra conservative and chair of the SD Republican party wouldn’t have a little pull in getting L & S to come up with better ad campaigns that don’t reference masturbating, peeing or pooping your pants.

Talk about getting caught with your pants down, but not behind the wheel of course.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Who is the Jerk that pulled this AD campaign?”
  1. The $100,000 could have gone to a food bank instead of a jerk campaign into the head republican chair’s pocket. No shortage of jerks.

  2. When the legislature is in session, it’s a long drive to Pierre. If you don’t jerk, you need someone along for the road (a)head.

  3. Seth Meyers on his NBC show just talked about SD and the jerk campaign. (Monday night) He said things you know you all were thinking.

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