
Steve Sack is also an accomplished sculptor

At the cartoonist conference today, I had the pleasure of meeting several great midwest cartoonists, including 35 year, Pulitzer prize winning cartoonist Steve Sack, who is one of only about 30 remaining, on staff, full-time editorial cartoonists in the country. Steve works for the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

He said that in the over the 8,000 cartoons he has done in his career, only 3 have been rejected. One was about the construction of the Mall of America, another was about a fellow staffer, and the third was about the Syrian boy who washed up on shore dead.

Last year I had an in depth conversation with (then) Argus Leader Publisher Bill Albrecht about bringing back local editorial cartoonists. While he sympathized with me, and thought it was a good idea, he felt newspapers have gotten away from it due to the controversy.

Hey, newspaper industry, editorial cartoons are supposed to be controversial, at least the good ones.

3 Thoughts on “Should the Argus Leader bring back local editorial cartoons

  1. Commander your so right all the time you should be running the city council.Yes this union guy will support you. Unlike the mayor you care about the working class, also will you let me wear a hat when I speak?

  2. The D@ily Spin on October 30, 2016 at 5:08 pm said:

    Comic books might become a working business plan for the Argus. Doesn’t require reporters and distribution. Like they do now.

  3. The Guy from Guernsey on November 1, 2016 at 10:01 am said:

    Albrecht’s response to you one year ago [“too controversial”] is typical of that expected from a corporate stooge.

    I like to chuckle at the good cartoons, but the Argus Leader should not return to featuring local editorial cartoon content. It is a matter of diminuishing resources [people] and focus to mission [news product]. Especially after two rounds of retrenchment, they need to focus on improving the quality of their news product.

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