I found this quote from Haugaard in the Argus Leader yesterday interesting;

Rep. Steven Haugaard, R-Sioux Falls, pointed out that the role of government is to “never exercise a vice upon the citizens” and questioned how state officials can stop the “steamroller” of legalized marijuana.

Not to get in an argument on whether legalized mary jane is less harmful then legalized video lottery (and probably raise a heckuva a lot more tax revenue). But if Haugaard is so concerned about ‘vices’ being thrown upon the citizens of South Dakota I’m assuming he will lead the charge to have the legislature to repeal video lottery in our state during the next session? I have often argued that VL is a revenue neutral, if not a revenue negative on our state with all the social costs associated with it in crime (robberies), bankruptcies, broken families and even suicide.

So Steven, will you do the right thing and repeal this vice on the citizens of South Dakota?

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Is Rep. Haugaard going to lead the charge in repealing video lottery?”
  1. I disagree with The Speaker’s opinion, but I will offer this. The people of South Dakota have voted on numerous occasions to make video lottery legal while they have voted down even medical use of marijuana. Perhaps he can read the tea leaves.

  2. But there is a logic to all of this. As long as you win, and win big, at video lottery, then you can afford the costs of an illegal substance.

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