6th street Bunker Bridge

Is the TenHaken Administration one of the most fiscally irresponsible & corrupt in Sioux Falls history?

We could argue about that until we are blue in the face, but when you have administration that is very bad with money it usually means some kind of corruption is going on, and his circus monkeys called the city council (no matter who they are) go along with it.

In just a few short years they have managed to bilk the taxpayers out of millions to help and benefit friends and family, here is a short trip down the memory lane of corruption (the list originally was only 6 items, but once I started discussing with others the list has grown, and I can’t even discuss stuff behind the scenes);

• Creation of the PRIVATE Parks Association (This group was started so VIPs in Sioux Falls can use their donations as a tax write-off. Don’t care about that, rich people are constantly finding ways to not pay their fair share, oh well. But what is frustrating is not the donations but controlling the narrative and forcing the public to take on their pet projects and help fund them. Parks amenities should be a directive of the public NOT rich donors. We will take your money and inform the IRS, but we should really let the public decide.)


• Buying the Sanford Wellness Center (So we bought a failing facility from Sanford so we can subsidize it?)


• Jacobsen Plaza (Originally a $4 million dollar project, turns into a $16 million dollar project for a facility NO ONE in the community was asking for. I literally haven’t heard one single person tell me they want this, most just say, “Another Parks White Elephant like Great Bear.”)


• Great Bear (We’ve thrown millions at this facility over the past few years, and for what? To be open a couple of weeks in January? It’s time to make this a FREE natural winter park and let people use it when they want to and sell off all the lifts and snowmaking equipment).


• Golf Course Clubhouse (Originally just a simple expansion of the current Elmwood clubhouse and a cart shed replacement has turned into a country club clubhouse project. This is a modest muni course, a pole barn would do with some nice landscaping. But the council approved it anyway.)


• Massive subsidies for indoor recreation (The MIDCO is subsidized $1.2 million a year, the wellness center will probably be double that, and the sad part is you can’t walk into these facilities for free. I said we need to start focusing on FREE recreation.)


• Delbridge Museum coverup (Initially lying to the public then trying to cover it up about the conditions of the animals. I have said we are missing a massive opportunity here, we could build all new dioramas that surround the aquarium and we would have one of the most unique exhibits in the world! But that takes vision.)


• Sixth Street Bridge ($10 million cost overrun to bailout a whiny developer.)


• Bunker Ramp (This is a gigantic mess and I just found out more about this debacle recently – more to come on this!)


• TIFs (handing them out like Booty Prizes, and now to developers out of state.)


• Censoring the Bunker Ramp mural (They said the mural was racist and then the Smithsonian picked the piece. I have said that the mayor and his prosperity gospel folks he runs with are culturally retarded).


Riverline District (Besides the fact there are massive conflicts of interest with the brokering with this deal and other developments the public should NOT be paying for this, and they especially shouldn’t be buying property with Entertainment Tax money.)


• Lying about income tax and IM 28 (This will never happen, if this passes the legislature will just increase sales taxes on everything else. An income tax? Yeah, and monkeys will be flying out of my butt.)


Former councilor Marshall Selberg living out of his district for over a year (This is more corrupt then fiscally irresponsible, but you could make the argument having a chair voting on city expenditures while he is illegally living out of his district could be bad for city finances.)


• Dakota Scout and Legal Notices (So the full council new the investors and voted for this anyway hiding the information from the public. This isn’t about the money it’s about Paulson controlling the narrative).


• Eliminating the Internal Audit (This is actually all on former councilor Jensen and screwing up managing council employees and allowing the mayor to hire the Audit Manager after she was LIKELY on probation with the council. Not sure if that is the case, but it is pretty easy to put 2 & 2 together.)


• Ignoring the LGTB community (I could use a lot of colorful language, no pun intended, but I will just say, the queer community ain’t real impressed with Poops. It also has an economic impact. Many queers in this community own businesses and contribute to our bottom line. Acting like they don’t exist isn’t helping that relationship.)


• Sustainability Report (After a group of volunteers spends months on this project the mayor’s policy advisor, the pumpkin recycler, shreds the document). There is also the economic impact of sustainability.


Homelessness (The mayor had a press conference today that didn’t solve a damn thing, I know, shocker. The Q & A I heard was quite spicy. A KELOLAND employee busted the mayor in a stat he pulled from his ass. The city needs to figure out how to manage the issue, NOT eliminate it. You will never end homelessness BUT with several measures, policies and ordinances and actual action you can manage the problem. This is what other cities have done, don’t look at it as a problem to SOLVE but something you can MANAGE. The mayor has also ignored the issue thinking it will just go away, that is NEVER a solution. There is also a fiscal impact, and where the city is dropping the ball. The downtown business district brings in a lot of revenue for the city, and with the struggling economy, inflation and now increased homeless traffic they are hurting, which hurts all of us including the homeless.)


Childcare (Not getting the business community to step up. Poops needs to use the bully pulpit to put his boot up the ass of large companies in this town and have them start subsidizing childcare. I don’t think tax dollars should be used on this, but you have to admit there is a massive labor market fiscal impact if we don’t solve this problem.)


Backdoor real estate deals (Not only did the mayor laugh all the way to the bank, it helped the buyer increase the value of properties around the one they purchased.)


As you can see, not the best track record, and if we had media in this town with some historical knowledge they would be all over this. Some do, but most don’t.

Speaking of historical knowledge, I have also heard a rumor that city employee morale is way down, not just because of poor leadership by Poops, but because Millennial management has been quietly pushing out Boomers. Besides the fact that employment rules, regs and laws may be broken here due to age discrimination it is even more troubling that the city is ridding itself of city employees with historical knowledge. I often tell people when you eat out, ask to eat in the section of the oldest server they have. Pick a winner every time!

I think it is time to start discussing recall efforts, not only of the Mayor but of the entire Council. This crap is getting old. I encourage anyone who would like to join the effort to email me.

More surprises at the Sioux Falls city council meetings

I had several city government nerds call me in frustration during the city council meetings this afternoon and tonight because the live stream was NOT working in SIRE (the online meeting portal). This has been happening a lot recently and on and off over the past decade with no fix or solution. The irony is the meetings still stream in citylink, so I just watch them there now instead of waiting for the Model T version of the meeting software to warm up. And how does that work? The cameras are rolling and feeding to CityLink but not to SIRE? Hmmm? I think the city deserves a Sooperhero award for at least being consistent over the past decade and not fixing the problem.


Remember how we got duped out of $20 million dollars for a bridge that is only having the decking replaced? Public Works Director Cotter told councilors during the run up to the funding that they will get a $1.5 million dollar discount because they changed the timeline of the project (extended it). During the budget hearings today he said that hasn’t happened yet and mumbled something about legal. In other words, it will be like the $1 million dollar EC siding settlement that was our money in a contingency fund. This administration and it’s lackey’s will stop at nothing to cross the finish line, including lying about possible cost savings.


Also during the meeting this facility was mentioned to be planned for in 2026. It is interesting that they have architectural drawings of a facility the public knows nothing about. Maybe I missed it, but this was the first I heard about this project.

6th Street Bunker Bridge starter kit

The day after the bridge funding was approved by city council a foot soldier told me that the price overrun was odd to him considering this is just a deck replacement. I asked him what he meant. It was his understanding that since the bridge isn’t that old (I think constructed in the 70’s) that the piers would remain and they are simply replacing the deck like they did with the 8th street bridge.

I didn’t want to jump the gun on that prediction so I have been watching the demolition and noticed the preservation of the piers and according to this media report, that is the case;

That’s to build cofferdams to protect parts of the piers in the river that will be reused

So for a $10 million cost overrun we are not even getting a total bridge replacement? The taxpayers are certainly going down a certain creek without a paddle.


Speaking of speculative book keeping, the city finance department has yet to release it’s audited or even unaudited 2022 financials. Usually there is a report to city council and the public by March of the following year.

Another foot soldier speculated to me that maybe the reason we haven’t seen it is because the mayor’s office is trying to figure out how they are going to explain the massive reserves the city coffers are nesting on.

Maybe we should institute the 1st Annual Sioux Falls Pothole Day Saturday April 1st and any citizen that volunteers for 8 hours on that day to fill potholes will receive $100 cash and a Sioux Falls ONE pin. That would be a quick way to spend some of that moldy money.

Sioux Falls 6th Street Bunker Bridge began demolition today

As I had mentioned in the past, the project is so large that the general contractor couldn’t possibly have all the resources to complete it on their own, they would have to use sub-contractors which is common practice in the industry.

Imagine not being surprised this afternoon when I shot this photo and observed three other trucks with the same labeling begin initial demolition today. No where to be seen were the red trucks of the general. That’s right folks, we could have split this project into smaller bids with separate smaller contractors instead having a middle-man (general contractor) skimming our tax dollars.