
UPDATE: Internal audit has a busy schedule

UPDATE: This meeting is worth the re-watch. One of the committee members asked why they were NOT auditing the City Attorney’s office, because as he put it, ‘it is on the heat map’ which means it is a critical department to audit because it has been in a long time. So audit chair, councilor David Barranco asked our ONLY internal auditor, Ryan, what the process is to get this audit on the 3 year schedule. Ryan basically said he must put in a request with him and then he would have to amend that schedule and it would have to be amended by the committee at a future meeting. In other words, he wasn’t looking for more work (even though our internal auditor only collects evidence and passes it onto our outside counsel). So Barranco with the urging of another member decided to amend the schedule right there and throw it on the agenda. So with one quick motion and vote it will be included on the audit schedule. It was a good example of government cutting thru the crap and getting something done instead of playing reindeer games.

A lot to accomplish in 3 years when you only have ONE employee . . . oh, and they are using outside sources, because you know, the best way to conduct an INTERNAL audit is to use OUTSIDE sources 🙁


If you got sometin’ to say, say it to my face

Elected officials should avoid social media. I used to tell this to Theresa all the time. I will defend Leah on one point; She is an elected official and if she wants to play on TurdBook all day, that is her deal, and they ain’t much you can do about it. Mayor Munson used to say, “Mayor is 24/7, 365 day a year job.” In other words, as an elected official you are always on duty.

Sioux Falls City Council plans to deconstruct Internal Audit

Besides raising utility rates (Items #47-54) and hiring a new city clerk (Item #60) the council is also proposing this (Item #45);

The proposed ordinance removes any mention of an internal audit job title. The proposal also includes language that allows for a co-source internal audit function.

After a brief discussion with the Audit Committee they have decided to move forward with using outside services for Internal Audit. I am adamantly opposed to this. While other communities do this, it is rare. They either have NO internal audit or an actual internal auditing department.

I do understand that every community has to weigh their options when it comes to this department, but we are not making this change because of evidence of improving the system or to save the city money this is being done out of utter laziness of the council. They should do a national search to hire an Internal Audit manager with audit experience and 1-2 more internal auditors. Instead spending the council’s budget on monogram’s shirts (that they wear under their corporate monogram’s black sleeveless puffy vests) they should hire a consultant to provide them applicants. If we got around 200 applicants for city clerk, I would think a national search for auditors would be gang busters!

BTW, the word ‘Internal’ is in the department name!

I have no problem letting outside entities take a peak at the work the internal audit staff is doing, but we should not be jobbing out this important department out of laziness.

Minnehaha County Commission will cave on 1st Amendment case

As I predicted the policy banning petitioners from certain areas of the courthouse grounds was unconstitutional, and a Federal judge agrees for now;

A federal judge has temporarily blocked a policy recently approved by the Minnehaha County Commission that would have restricted where petition circulators could gather signatures near two county buildings in downtown Sioux Falls.

I also predict the commission will cave on the lawsuit and this will never make the light of day in a courtroom. Unlike the city, the county isn’t real keen on fighting lawsuits, especially ones that have the constitution on their side.

While I do know the name of the former Republican Legislator who pushed a petitioner, I am keeping that under wraps for now just in case it becomes an issue in court.

Maybe our new auditor needs to read Kristi Noem’s book, because she could use some help in her second rodeo.

UPDATE*II: City of Sioux Falls considering eliminating internal audit

UPDATE II: At their discussion today, Council Vice-Chair Alex Jensen said the reason audits have been down is because of staff turnover. They currently have only one full-time auditor. So why not hire more people! What a concept. As the city’s human resources department has been handing out hiring bonuses like candy maybe it is time to take that approach to finding more auditors. The city isn’t looking to hire a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist, if you hire a employment consultant to do a national search I can almost guarantee you would have qualified applicants within 30 days.

The committee voted to explore a hybrid model for the internal audit in which they would have internal staff and external auditors. I am adamantly opposed. It would make more sense to just hire a couple more auditors instead of fiddling around with private CPA companies auditing our departments. The name of the department is ‘internal audit’ and it should remain that way, internal.

If you look at the agenda for Wednesday’s Audit Committee meeting you will see this;

• Internal Audit Outsourcing

I was told today by a city hall mole that the council was unaware of this recommendation and that is likely coming from *COUNCIL LEADERSHIP.

While we do use some outside auditing for the city it is important to maintain an internal department that is a check on the administration and it’s financial systems. The council needs to be in control of this department. If we outsource internal audit there would no longer be an internal city government check on the mayor’s/department’s spending power.