Property tax reduction program ‘Questionable’
The more we look into the property tax reductions over the past ten years, the more questions we have. While we are still researching this, some things that stick out so far;
DOC: Historical – Tax Reduction Program.pdf
Tax Reduction Program – Informational Jan. 8.pdf
How was the mayor(s) (Munson & Huether) able to sign off on these, through the Planning Department without the review of the city council? Or even the County Commissions and School District? Were there any state laws violated?
One of the biggest recipients was involved in many LLC’s and ownership groups related to Legacy Development. Ironically one of the persons who would have known about the reductions, Daren Ketchum, now works for Legacy.
Many of the recipients are long time established, successful Sioux Falls businesses, like Raven & Gage brothers. Why would they need tax incentives?
Some of the recipients also received TIFs on top of the reduction, for example Washington Square.
Ironically Midco received a 2018 reduction of $129K. This is just a year after announcing a sponsorship of our Aquatic Center.
Did the TenHaken administration decide to blow the lid off of this to 1) wash there hands of the practice and 2) to see if the media will do some digging around? COS Erica Beck worked in the Planning office when some of these reductions were handed out.
Like I said, we are still researching the ‘many’ connections between the reduction recipients and the previous administration and will have more findings coming soon.