The resemblance is stunning

(okay, I will credit Dakotawomen for this, even though I thought the same thing, but I don’t want them coming over here and twisting my nipples again.)

What’s the difference between Illinois Governor Blago and South Dakota Governor Rounds? Blago cusses when he is screwing over it’s citizens, the citizens cuss when Rounds is screwing them over.

Marion Mike Rounds had no idea what his sister’s husband did?

Rounds says he was unaware his sister and her husband are working for the uranium company. Seems odd since they all live in Pierre, which is still a small town.

I’m starting wonder what you do know Mikey.


RCJ  ;prints a story about

A brother-in-law to Gov. Mike Rounds is working as a consultant for Powertech Uranium Corp., the Canadian business that is exploring for uranium near Edgemont.

Randy Brich of Pierre, who is married to the governor’s sister, Michele, is working in media relations on contract for Powertech. Brich also is part of the public-relations team for the corporation’s Dewey Burdock project in the Edgemont area.

Of course Pitty Pat Powers is trying to make a connection to this nepotism to the US Attorney appointment that is in the works for Brendan Johnson.

If Senator Johnson’s son – while very likely qualified – is named as the U.S. Attorney, no matter how they try to game the system to avoid it, it is impossible to avoid the appearance of improprety. Unless we now have adopted the monarchy that our forefathers eschewed so long ago, and endorse the naked building of political dynasties. Because that’s the only way this can be justified.

Otherwise, the naming of Brendan Johnson as U.S. Attorney in the same state his father holds the position of U.S. Senator is improper. No matter how much Senator Johnson’s son wants the job, no matter how much he might be qualified, the honorable thing to do is to take a pass until his dad is no longer U.S. Senator.


Sorry PP, stretching it again. Tapping someone to be a US Attorney (a person who has the creds to do the job, BTW) from the same party our President and Senior Senator are from (ohh, big surprise) and having a brother-in-law representing an energy company that wants to mine hazardous materials in our state is quite different. Especially when you have a governor that 1) has mentioned building a Nuclear plant in SD publicly and 2) bases every decision he makes on how it can benefit him, his family or his campaign contributors.

Last I checked, the job of a US Attorney is far different then the job of a marketing person working for a private company that seeks our natural resources. One works for us, the other works for themself.

You figure it out.

After reading the budget address story in the Gargoyle Leader, I dove into a tiny little article buried on page 9A and not available online (that’s where the Liberal media puts their important stories I guess) the article detailed how Dems have been after Marion M. Rounds for three years about limiting the growth of State Government (you know, all those unneeded no-bid contracts to friends and family he has secretly deguised as FTE’s), but as usual, Mike refuses to listen to anyone but his inner greed and arrogance;

For three years, Democrats have tried to hold state government to the 3 percent budget increases allowed schools and counties, and we couldn’t get support,” said Dem Ben Nesselhuf of Vermillion, “If we’d been doing that for three years, maybe we’d have money.”

Democratic Rep. Bernie Hunhuff of Yankton also voiced concern about the property tax increase;

It could sow the seeds for another property tax revolt, and we don’t want that.

Get out the pitchforks and torches I guess.

I think Minority leader Scott Heidepriem of Sioux Falls, District 13, where I live, said it best when he called the governor’s budget “Cynical”

I guess I wouldn’t have had a problem with expanding state government if government services have become better, in fact they are either the same or worse since Rounds has taken office. Just look at the vehicle registration fiasco. So where did the millions go? This is about helping friends out, and now that he has broken the bank, he continues his state of denial and promises more cuts to education, salaries and road construction while failing to put his hand out to our new president who vows to ramp up infrastructure and domestic spending. Once again SD Republican leaders have proven the best way to fix problems is to tax and spend instead of making cuts.

Rounds to skip important meeting with new president elect Obama,

He also said that to show he’s serious about curtailing out-of-state travel, he won’t go to the Obama inauguration or Friday’s meeting in Omaha of the Council of State Governments.

So let me get this straight, Mike, you don’t have a problem with flying the fleet of state airplanes all over the state and country with family in tow, handing out millions in no-bid contracts to campaign contributors, but you can’t afford to drop a couple hundred bucks to drive to Omaha for a very important meeting? Kind of sounds like your own little GOP pity party because your party didn’t win the White House. In these incredibly terrible economic times, I would think it would be very wise to meet with Obama about green energy production in our state since he has vowed to spend billions domestically on infrastructure projects that include roads/bridges (something we badly need) and wind energy (something we have a shit-load of).

Stop being a little neo-con baby and get your ass to Omaha Friday.