Mayoral Candidate Forum Announced

SIOUX FALLS, SD – November 20, 2009 – The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) and University Center will host a Mayoral Candidate Forum on Thursday, December 3 at University Center.  The forum will be held in Avera Hall at University Center North beginning at 3:30 p.m.

Candidates for Mayor of the City of Sioux Falls will participate in a moderated question and answer session.  The forum is designed to give the public an opportunity to hear from the candidates regarding their positions on issues important to our community.  The public is invited to submit questions for the candidates in advance by emailing them to

All candidates for Mayor have been invited to participate in the discussion.  Participants include Vernon Brown, Pat Costello, Mike Huether, Bill Peterson, and Kermit Staggers.

The event will be moderated by Jack Marsh, Executive Director of the Freedom Forum’s Al Neuharth Media Center.

The Mayoral Candidate Forum is free and open to the public.  Seating is limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.  University Center North is located just west of the junction of I-29 and 60th Street North, on Career Avenue.

By l3wis

One thought on “First Sioux Falls Mayoral forum this Thursday”
  1. These are my questions;

    1. How much money do you expect to spend running for mayor, and how much of that money will come from special interest groups (PAC’s etc.)

    2. If the legislature and/or voters turn down paying for a new events center by increasing retail taxes, as mayor would you propose an alternative funding source? BB & B tax for example?

    3. Do you think the downtown facade program is fair to other Sioux Falls businesses, considering it is essentially a handout to downtown business owners who own their property? Do you think this should be a spending priority during a recession? As mayor would you end this program and convert it to be a low interest loan instead of a handout like community development loans to citizens.

    4. If serious cuts have to be made next year to the already approved budget due to the declining economy, what will be the first thing you cut?

    5. There has been a lot of rumors about possible layoffs at major companies in Sioux Falls next year (meatpacking, credit card industry), if these layoffs come to fruition how would you counter them as mayor?

    6. As mayor, will you recommit the 2nd penny to roads only? Why or why not?

    7. During the current administration we have heard about several behind closed door contract negotiations that have excluded the council, will you continue this practice or will you be open and include the council on all contract negotiations?

    8. Will you hire a chief of staff?

    9. I often hear from visitors that our park system is one of the most beautiful in the nation, and I agree. Do you have any personal ideas on how to make it even better?

    10. One thing I appreciate in a politician more than anything is honesty, explain to me how you would be an honest mayor.

    Scott Ehrisman

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