As we just discussed in June, county auditor, Bob Litz (was doing his job) by shopping around for better interest rates on county bonds. Since Dougherty has pretty much a monopoly on bonds, not only in the county, but the city and state, it was wise for Bob to do some shopping around. But it seems, according to a story in the AL today, the CC (or should we say Dougherty) decided to vote on a bond consultant while Litz was out of town. Only ONE commissioner, Pekas, questioned what the hurry was to vote on this.

I have a feeling this had NOTHING to do with a ‘rush’ to get it done, or getting the ‘best deal’. This had to do with Litz being out of town and Dougherty continuing their monopoly on bonds in this state.

Can’t wait to hear Litz’s reaction when he returns to Dodge.

3 Thoughts on “County Commission pulls a fast one on Auditor Bob Litz

  1. anonymous on August 24, 2013 at 9:52 am said:

    As a City Councilor, Litz, used to be the one casting these kind of “back-door” votes…..

    I wonder how it feels to now be on the receiving end……

  2. I think once he became ‘Full-time’ he realized the job is a little harder then being a rubber stamper for the mayor.

  3. Not sure Bob works full time. Might be part of the problem.

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