I decided I would start looking at the significant posts and toons over the past 8 years (since 2007) and share with you.

This was one of my favorite toons I did before I even started the blog. It published in the Argus Leader around the same time in art news they were claiming that the Mona Lisa was probably pregnant when she posed for her famous portrait.

This toon is about our wonderful Legislature, seems nothing has changed in 9 years.

This toon is about Former Super Homan’s ‘transparency’ issues.

Somethings never change at the corner of 13th & Phillips.

Well, Vern, your wish finally came true.

Shotgun Cheney.

When this toon printed in the Argus, some readers actually thought it was real.

American Gothic.

I did this toon after the Argus cynically accused me of being an infamous graffiti artist in town. He was never caught, and after he moved away, I arranged an interview with him at the Top Hat when he was visiting. He chickened out and I never did get his name.

Oh, XL, you are at it again.

Sioux Falls Plaque-Gate.

Can you believe these two clowns are working in Washington together?

Janklow, Dan Scott and Satire-Gate.

We still don’t know who Roger laundered this money for.

Some things never change. I think they turned in the barrel for grain bin though.

Sin taxes.

One mayor vetoed increasing the police, another wants to hire more.

Smoking ban.

Don’t know if anyone remembers the adventures of ‘Verle’ the guy who would masturbate in snow banks, have sex with his closet door and eventually got busted humping a street sign.

My thoughts on building an East/West corridor.

Larry Craig, the gift that kept giving, and giving, and giving.

A Janklow complex.

The politics of polling, and east/west route and the events center.

Behind the Heads!

Stay tuned for more!

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “The Best of DaCola”
  1. It’s disappointing that there’s no resolution for most of these topics. Probably the only real change is we now have inferior construction excessive indoor event places reserved for the high income one percent. The rest of us work and pay taxes to support their quality of life.

    SERVE CAESAR and I don’t mean the salad. OK, this is a cartoon idea.

  2. I like the smiley faced city council and I still think the walmart worker MMM sums up the idiot.

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