Love this blast from the past, these two are truly missed in the political discussion;


Sam BEE is back to;


By l3wis

2 thoughts on “People want their cellphones to make pancakes and play with their ba . . .”
  1. I hope Apple wins out against the FBI. True, cell phone taps would catch terrorists. However, there’s guaranteed abuse. The FBI (especially) has become known for misuse of private information. There would be new cost to comply and report. Cell phone hardware and service is already expensive. Additionally, the economy could slow from slowed communication and added data that would overwhelm crowded wireless frequencies.

  2. I’m with you D@ily. However, I think the FBI is the terrorists!

    You’ve got to love that Samantha bee! I love that seen when Ted [wantabeazionistjew] Cruz said, i’m going to have to leave… “with major applause” gives me a bit of hope.

    As fare as Carlin on Countdown, what really is a killer to me is seeing George’s face of defeat. I wished I didn’t understand that feeling:{ Thanks for posting this Scott.

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