
Dakota Wuss College confirmed that Greg will run for House in District 12, with no primary challenge at this point.

On the Democratic side, Casey Murschel is taking another run at it.

Greg and I had a rocky start when he first got on the council, in fact, I felt like his seat was a coronation from his father. But in his second term, I have felt he had come around and grown as a city legislator, and has become his own lawmaker, and I have appreciated his leadership over the past 4 years.

He would make a great legislator and be a strong voice for Sioux Falls in Pierre.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Is Sioux Falls City Councilor Jamison going to run for State House?”
  1. Jamison will make a great state legislator! Wish he would focus more on his run for Mayor in 2018 though. Seems the legislative session would take up much of his time spring of 2018.

  2. He’s ethical and honest. Stay away from the mayor post for now. It’s gonna take a hard ass to admit expose corruption, make employee cuts, address debt, and stop TIF favoritism theft (i.e. indoor tennis). He or she will be a one term unpopular mayor. One who will investigate and expose Huether. Then it’s time for revitalized democracy with a leader who’s a characteristic figure head and citizen oriented leader. That would be Greg.

  3. I agree with Scott, that Greg has grown in these past years. He has ben responsive to the citizens throughout Sioux Falls, and He has a compassionate heart.
    We are losing some very good public servants on the council this spring. I hope the newly elected council will continue their legacy of listening to the citizens and serving ALL the people of this great community.

    Best wishes Greg!
    Theresa Stehly

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