During the Minnehaha County Commission meeting, Jeff Barth cracks a funny after Mayor TenHaken addresses the commission on ‘working together’. TenHaken mentions he already has had lunch with Chair Heiberger and wants to meet with the rest of the commissioners and promises to come to joint meetings.

After his testimony, Barth says, “You have already tied the previous mayor’s record for such a (lunch) meeting (with Cindy).” In which the crowd busts up in laughter, and Cindy replies, “He has already broken the record by one.”

Remember Former Mayor Coors Light & Olives stopped going to joint county/council meetings early in his 1st term after he realized he wasn’t in charge at the meetings.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “TenHaken already breaks a Former Mayor’s record in first week”
  1. Huether was always the spoiled rich kid who took away his game ball (⚽️🏈🏀⚾️🎾) if you wouldn’t let him play and be captain.

  2. Excellent, but isn’t it sad, that such an assumed norm needs to be lauded?

    Perhaps, this is an example or window into the eventual post Trump era, when the hope that many other norms will return too…. We can only hope…

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