By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Amendment C proponents new slogans”

    Brought to you by a
    House of Lords state legislature.


    Only Republicans have primaries
    So only Republicans should vote on it.


    School Boards no longer hold elections
    So can’t the Republicans just fiat this?


    Freedom is for Ukrainians
    Not for South Dakotans.

  2. “Say, if Amendment C passes, can’t we still challenge it in court?”…. “Because I think that thanks to the recreational marijuana initiative that was struct down by the state Supreme Court we are now the only political entity in the country where a part of the constitution can be struct down by another part of the constitution”…. “Which is actually worse than Alito and Roe when you think about it”…. “Because at least in that case, Alito relies upon a 13th century medieval judge’s passage to do his work, while the state Supreme Court just made up this amendment supremacy doctrine through the passage ways of its own bowels”…..

  3. “I meant the ‘recreational marijuana amendment'”…. (“Some stuff just really gets me all riled-up”….)

  4. amendment c

    Let’s fxxk em again.

    amendment c

    Democracy: It was fun for a while.

    amendment c

    Democracy is so overrated.

    amendment c

    If we meant democracy, then we would have called ourselves Democrats and not Republicans.

    amendment c

    Together we can get rid of Roe, but who wants health care for all?

    amendment c

    Killing babies is one thing, but saving lives with Obamacare is a whole different thing.

    amendment c

    Direct Democracy? Isn’t RV leniency enough?

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