Dr. Pepper

Top 25 Beers of All-Time

I don’t know if you all drink beer in South Dakota or not, but BeerAdvocate has released its list of top-25 beers of all-time. How many of these have you tried? Are they available where you live? I’m willing to trade.


#1 Rochefort 10 Trappistes Quad*
#2 Stone Imperial Russian Stout
#3 St. Bernardus Abt 12 Quad**
#4 Founders Breakfast Stout
#5 Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock**
#6 Three Floyds Dreadnaugth IPA**
#7 Victory Storm King Stout
#8 Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier
#9 Bell’s Two Hearted Ale**
#10 Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA**
#11 Stone Ruination IPA**
#12 Bell’s HopSlam Ale**
#13 Unibroue La Fin du Monde*
#14 Aventinus Weizenbock
#15 North Coast Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout**
#16 Duvel Belgian Strong Pale Ale*
#17 Stone IPA**
#18 Stone Double Bastard Ale
#19 Rogue Chocolate Stout*
#20 Bear Republic Hop Rod Rye**
#21 Troegs Nugget Nectar
#22 Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale
#23 Rochefort 8 Trappiste*
#24 Rogue Shakespeare Stout*
#25 Chimay Grand Reserve Blue*
*=We have it here, but I am lame and have yet to try it.
**=I’ve had it and me likey.

National News Odds and Ends

Impeach Bush Ornament censored from the White House Christmas tree, funny stuff;

It hung on the tree along with ornaments featuring lovingly painted state seals and state scenery till the Washington Post pointed out that it differed substantially from its fellows.

AP followed, and Lawrence’s ornment was plucked from its branch, on orders from Laura Bush.

David Gregory to host Meet the Press (like if this wasn’t totally freaking obvious);

Gregory has been a leading contender for the permanent spot since Tom Brokaw stepped in as interim moderator following Tim Russert’s death in June.

Sexy Saxby wins in Georgia, vows to be a one man army against Obama’s polices. Good luck with that.

The worst aspect of this is that Sarah Palin gets to claim some credit for the win. Sigh.

When all she ever asked for was an occassional Dr. Pepper.