By l3wis

13 thoughts on “I can see Washington from my kitchen window (H/T – Hudson)”
  1. Where’s Tina Fey? A bus with mom & pop & kids. Lunch with ‘The Donald’. Reporters following in chase cars. Good material going to waste.

  2. The Palins say it is just a family vacation—if so why aren’t they traveling in the family SUV or minivan? Traveling in this highly decorated bus with Sarah’s name all over it advertises where they are and of course when the press sees the fancy bus, they will follow. Such stupidity—–it just goes to show all the Palins want is publicity. If the press had half a brain, they wouldn’t give the Palins that satisfaction. There must be other news in the nation.

  3. Palin is proof that any one could grow up to be President … and that is where the problem begins.

  4. She is an easy figure to dislike – I’ll never understand why McCain picked her as a running mate. The Libs should actually be cheering her on as she can do a Ross Perot and pull 8-12% of the conservative vote if she runs.

  5. Lemming, I would agree. I would love to see her as the candidate against Obama.

  6. Palin said, “He who warned uh, the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh by ringing those bells, and um, makin’ sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed.”

    She and Bachmann must have looked at the same history book.

  7. And then there was this:
    “This Statue of Liberty was gifted to us by foreign leaders, really as a warning to us, it was a warning to us to stay unique and to stay exceptional from other countries. Certainly not to go down the path of other countries that adopted socialist policies,” Palin said to cheers from the crowd.

  8. When Palin goes into a McDonalds, she probably orders “American Fries.”

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