Yup, that is a cowboy and a horse kneeling at a cross, and the other sticker that says, ‘We don’t call 911!’

But we do have Cabelas’s on speed dial when we need more ammo.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Hick Stickers! Git Yer Hick Stickers! (H/T – GP)”
  1. I saw one the other day (on a jacked up pick up, of course) that said “god, guns, America. Lets keep all three.” Where do these people get the idea that God likes guns?

  2. I am afraid it might be facilitated by the following….. “On-ward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war…” Accept that the “as to” over time has been changed to “on to.”

  3. “I am afraid it might be facilitated by the following….. “On-ward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war…” Accept that the “as to” over time has been changed to “on to.””
    That is right. Don’t fuck with us. HAHAHA!

  4. The “conservatives” in congress want to reduce the government to just themselves, and the military. One-party rule, with huge military supporting it. What kind of country does that sound like to you?

  5. Saw one the other day that looked like a political sticker with Obongo’s face on it. Caption read:

    “Does this ass make my truck look fat?”

    Rufusx…you got the wrong party there buddy.

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