Larry Tidemann gets the South DaCola most chickenshit state senator of the week award after he finds no reason to subpoena Joop-Loops Bollen in the EB-5 investigation;
One of the main points of contention during Tuesday’s hearing came when the only Democrat who was present at the meeting, Representative Susan Wismer (D) Britton, made a motion to subpoena Benda’s former boss Joop Bollen.
The motion failed when Wismer failed to garner one lawmaker to second the move.
“We have deliberately avoided talking to the highest officials in the Rounds, Daugaard administration who oversaw this project. We’re like sheriffs who don’t want to bring in the witness,†Wismer told the committee when the motion failed.
Though the state has severed ties with Bollen, Wismer says the committee isn’t doing its job if it doesn’t call him to testify.
“I believe this committee still hasn’t visited with the one person who is still alive who dealt with this program,†Wismer said.
Larry Tidemann, the chairman of the Republican-dominated committee, says state agents have already interviewed Bollen during their criminal investigation.
“I think we have to look at what they have provided us and what would we garner if we were to bring him in?” Tidemann said after the meeting.
Yeah, gee, why would we want to actually interview the guy WHO IS STILL ALIVE! That’s because he just might indict a whole host of other people, like Daugaard, Rounds, Jackley and Pat Costello? Well we can’t have that? Can we? Shutup woman running for governor! Besides, Larry contests there isn’t anything that can be done now (snort);
“We can’t correct mistakes of the past but we can correct things for the future,” Tidemann said.
Ah, yes we can, by cuffing and stuffing the people that are still alive that were involved with this fiasco, but that would of course require our state legislators like Larry to not be BALD FACE COWARDS, so they can protect Rounds and Daugaards reputations. I think the entire GOP state legislature should be subpoenaed and questioned. First question; Why are you all a bunch of spineless chickenshits? If you are sure that Benda is the only one at fault here, let’s prove it.
It may be possible they all had a hand in this fiasco either directly or indirectly and has no gumption to face it. Chicken shit, indeed. Whatever happened to accountability?
Who are the people that keep voting for these guys in the legislature like Larry Tidemann? What are they hiding? These guys are so interested in covering their butts!
Whatever happened to someone calling a grand jury to investigate this mess? Oh yea, chicken-shit elected officials.
Doing a little extra post deleting these days? Oh well…Don’t let the facts get in your way.