Stuff like this really gets my blood boiling;

The South Dakota Secretary of State’s Office under former Secretary Jason Gant misused federal grant money, overspent its annual budget and couldn’t account for $43,000 in state funds, according to a report by the state auditor.

Cameraman Bruce and I told the media and government officials over two years ago that we were very suspect of what was going on in that office. Not just the campaign business being run by the deputy SOS, but the moving servers, the large donations to the SDGOP from election services companies, missing records, etc., etc.,

Stan Adelstein responded (thankfully) and all we got was a watered down report from the AG that said, “They didn’t steal anything.” Now we know that might not have been the case.

But what do I know, I’m just a speculator.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “What were we telling you over two years ago!”
  1. Saw the Argus article. It’s much more than just the 43k. It’s sad how we can no longer trust public personnel.

  2. The Democrats chickened out and didn’t help Stan run Gant out of town when they had the chance. Stan almost had him gone and the compromise was to let Gant finish his term. Imagine what wouldn’t have been “fixed” if he would have resigned early.

  3. The Argus says today —Gant agreed that it was a reconciliation issue between two accounts and said he wished it would have been brought to his attention before leaving office.

    “I wasn’t able to dig into the issue,” he said.

    So can we take this to mean Gant didn’t “clean out the barn” before he left office?

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