UPDATE: It only took Stormland TV two and half years to pick up on something I forgotten I reported.

And a year earlier I was exposing the ‘campaign store’ Pitty was running.

I guess I don’t feel so bad for not catching this before Stormland, because it has been so long since I reported it, I forgot about it. Now maybe they will do a story about real pressing issues, like our mayor possibly running for higher office and hop-scotching all over the state to OTHER Home Rule cities on our dime.

Remember when we were chasing former SD deputy secretary of state Powers and SOS Gant for running a campaign business while working for the state?

Remember Powers’ departure and the nationwide tour his servers took?

Seems Kennecke over at Stormland asked current SOS Krebs an interesting question about missing corporate files, her response? Astounding;

When Krebs won the election for Secretary of State, she also discovered she had inherited a problem. Krebs says the state IT department informed her of a hack on the data base for corporate filings in April of 2012.

“I want to clarify that the corporations system or website was on an outside server.  And it was not on the state’s information and technology–state sanctioned and state secured–server,” Krebs said.

Something Krebs says was set up by her predecessor Jason Gant.

“We used state servers; we used outside servers,” Gant said.


Outside Servers!? This is going to get real interesting real quick.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “UPDATE, Remember the musical servers?”
  1. Sounds like another Hilary type private server problem. Apparently, government (all levels) has become exclusive for politicians and PAC’s. Where does of, by, and for the people come in to play.

  2. If someone suspects that Jason and Pat saved a backup of those files? Or that they really weren’t destroyed?

    But then again, it might explain why Jackley cleared Pat Powers of running campaign services out of the SOS office…

  3. I bet gant had the city of Sioux Falls take care of all those records since the state doesn’t do squat to stop the a clowns from being idiots in SF govt . Those a clowns even include the hat hater nimby Walmart guy who sold out twin Eagles. What else can anyone say about old perfect Rex. i read a fb post saying men in blue jeans built this country. Men in suits are ruining it. How true.

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