After a discussion earlier today, Jeff sent me this;
I am writing to let you know that I was among those recommending that Governor-Elect Noem plan to select Rhonda Milstead to replace Deb Peters who is quitting before taking office. I am disappointed that the Party in power continues to use that sleight of hand method to protect their domination in Pierre.
Allow me to say that I know Rhonda. We have rented her restaurant for Democratic events. I have eaten there for lunch with groups of Democrats. And, of course I work with her husband, Mike Milstead, our Minnehaha County Sheriff. She is the best Republican choice for this county and it is my job to do what is best for this county.
We can certainly find fault in things she may have said in the past but as has been said,”Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.”
Jeff Barth
I think Jeff said it best to me, Noem was going to appoint a Republican anyway, it might as well be a decent one.
Rhonda Milstead is the one who pushed to allow alcohol in Falls Park (Falls Overlook Cafe).
This is a park where alcohol had previously been prohibited.
Based on the history of safety issues at this park, as a taxpayer I disagree with the decision the City made to allow this.
In addition, when she was originally negotiating with the City for the contract, she promised the cafe would be open certain hours. These hours were dramatically reduced over time.
GEE WHILIKERS- are there really decent Republicans in your world?
MJ, the three city councilors I helped get elected are all Republicans.
i’m sure party leadership doesn’t consider theresa a “good” republican.
I hope “party leadership” and our Sioux Falls residents know that I am a “care for all citizens” Republican. I am a “strive to treat all people fairly” Republican, despite how much money they make or what part of town they live in, or what business connections they do or don’t have.