It may be a running joke in the comments section of this blog, but lately I have been hearing from Democratic and Republican political insiders that the GOP money machine and other operatives are setting Mayor Paul to be the next senator from South Dakota.
I would assume that Dusty Johnson would run for Governor in 4 years and Paul would run for Rounds seat (assuming he decides not to run).
When I first heard this well over a year ago from a Democratic party rabble rouser, I just laughed, but it seems the chatter in both political parties is at a deafening level.
I think it all become much more clear today when I was sitting on Phillips Avenue watching the 4th of July parade and Mayor Paul came by with a big old truck emblazed with his campaign logo like he was running for something. He is. The US Senate.
Your enemy’s enemy is your friend. I am beginning to like Noem and her $15 million all a sudden. She would be the easiest to beat in ’26. We must use her as a wedge between Opie and BradyHaken. Why do you think Kristi campaigned with Opie during the most recent primary?
Has there ever been two bookends serving together in the US Senate before and from the same state? Usually bookends hold together substance, but what would be Thune and BradyHaken’s excuse? Senate rules require one to wear a tie, too. Is BradyHaken prepared for this? AND, has there ever been a taupe senator before? Plus, how’s the camping in the Virginia and Maryland regions? Is it pretty good out there? AND does a rainbow really appear out there after each storm? #DangIErasedJohnKingsNumber #WhyDoJohn&PaulsAttractEachOther?
Well, all of this would fit nicely into my Karl Mundt theory about BradyHaken, wouldn’t it?
We haven’t had a doxing senator since Nixon, right?
Let’s encourage him to get out of Sioux Falls. Maybe Janet Brekke would run for Mayor.
Whose the last SD Republican elected to serve in DC who moved their family there?
I’m convinced there’s a political network comparable to organized crime. It’s the same faces with archaic ideas and bullying tactics we’re forced to accept. Campaign donations are protection money. Noem has been around to long. Her values belong in a puritan colony. If you can’t get an abortion here you’ll go somewhere else. Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol. Perhaps the only real freedom is on Indian Reservations where Noem can’t play mother.
thune jr will do whatever the kirby’s tell him to do.
PTH – The 3rd Minnesota Democratic U.S. Senator.