I apologize that I failed my South DaCola readers for not catching on to this before the general election, but someone knocked me upside the head about it last night. It seems that most of Huether’s in-kind support, came from Mike himself.

But first with the fun stuff I like to nitpick. While I have been a strong advocate for unions and the EFCA, I found it very, very, odd they would give Huether money;

This is a guy who probably never worked a union job in his life, a guy who climbed the corporate ladder all by his lonesome, a guy who probably developed strategies to solicit credit cards to working class people who couldn’t afford them, and as far as I can tell, never helped the employees of First Premier Bankcard form a union. Maybe Sy is right, the unions really do have their heads in their asses.

I also found it interesting that ‘Mr. I’m getting screwed over by the city.’ had all kinds of money to hand out to mayoral candidates, and Mike couldn’t resist the salt-lick.

That’s gonna cost yah, Mike.

But let’s move on to the big stuff, first the summary (NOTE: I have edited these images for spacing reasons)

Does it seem too weird? I mean, he got good direct contributions and his In-Kind is over the top, until you see who his major In-Kind supporter is;

(I edited out contributors who were not Mike, which only amount to $1,558.07)

That’s right kiddies out of the $53,022.67 dollars in In-kind contributions, $51,464.60 of it came right out of Mike’s pocket. Talk about personal aspirations.

I could say a multitude of things about this, but talk amongst yourselves (in the comments area of course).

I totally forgot about this tidbit of information until someone reminded me about it last night. I first want to clarify, this is something that was told to me by someone ‘in the know’ not sure if it is true, but I am putting it out there just to see if anyone else heard about it.

Mike Huether considered running for governor before running for mayor.

I guess some connected SD Democratic party people put feelers out their for him to see if he would be a viable candidate, and at the end of the day, they found he had no name recognition, only a 79% interest rate 🙂

Is there anything wrong with Mike running for governor? Hell no, in fact I wish he would have. What I find interesting is his hypocrisy (if this is true) on running for mayor. He has told people in several interviews that it was his life long dream to run for the mayor of Sioux Falls (and or political office).

So which is it Mike? Mayor or Governor?

If Mike becomes our next mayor he has to realize, pulling a Palin and quitting mid-term is unacceptable. So if you really want to be mayor, I say go for it, but you better be honest about your intentions. Our next council is already gonna be a circus, we need a ring leader who will focus on what is best for the people, not what is best for Mike’s political future.

Who let this guy in journalism?

I will have to say I am pretty proud of the fact that I predicted Kermit and Mike would make the runoff months ago yet I am really puzzled by the council seats. It is no surprise that Jim won, but I was shocked by the losses of Bob, Theresa and Rex Rolfing winning. I think it really came down to the lack of media coverage for the council seats. Costner really nailed this one, and predicted that people would probably vote for endorsements.

So she actually said to me… do you know who the Argus Leader endorsed? I did know, and I told her what they recommended after which she said “well they always do a good job so I trust them”.

Voters did very little research on the council candidates and followed the Argus Leader endorsement. This amazes me, since the paper has such a terrible track record on political issues in this city. They were wrong about the Rec center, they were wrong about the indoor pool, they were wrong about the developer arterial road tax increase and they were wrong about the Events Center, yet a majority of voters said to themselves, “How can they be wrong about the endorsements?”  I just shake my head.

And BTW, who the heck is Rex Rolfing? I was so unimpressed by his forum appearances that I almost fell asleep. This next council is really gonna be a challenge to whoever the next mayor is. He might have to pass out 5-Hour energy before each meeting to get results.

Now to the fight I still have a dog in. Stay tuned over the next two weeks, we are gonna expose Mike for who he really is, a man who has stolen all of Kermit’s ideas (no sales tax for EC, transparency in government, fiscal responsibility, etc, etc.) but is taller and has more hair.

Remember who helped run Mike’s campaign, a seasoned campaigner, Steve Hildebrand, a guy who pulls no punches, and neither will Detroit Lewis. I found it interesting that that tidbit of information did not come out until today, even though I exposed this fact months ago;

Huether, meanwhile, hired Steve Hildebrand’s political consulting firm. Hildebrand was President Barack Obama’s deputy campaign manager and is considered one of the top Democratic consultants in the nation.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Mike’s last financial report before today’s election and the interesting math he uses . . . .

BTW, while most of the MSM in Sioux Falls really sucks on election night, I will have to give a gigantic middle finger to the Argus Leader and especially Patrick Lalley and his live blog this afternoon. While reporters Ellis and Luther tried to stay on topic, Lalley could not resist to bash Kermit any chance he got. Pat, it was unfair journalism, I almost wondered if you were running a blog? Maybe you and your golden boy, Bill Peterson, who lost tonight, can go on an extended vacation for at least two weeks and a day.

Instead of bashing a 21 year public servant you should actually find out what Mike’s REAL job was at First Premier Bankcard and why his resignation just happened to coincide with the Feds making their fee harvesting schemes illegal? That would be fair journalism. You know what Kermit stands for, he has been an open book his entire life.