Pictures like this give Redlin fans multiple boners.

Doug, Doug, Doug, you crack me up. Believe or not, Todd and I have shared a few lunches and a few beers, but we are far from being Twitter or phone buddies. We do try to defend each other though when moldy TV journalists try to rail on bloggers.

“Hey Todd…ya see what Lund said about Franken on that lame blog of his today?”

“Yeah, Scott already called and I read it.”

Not sure who called you a lousy drummer, but if it is anything like your singing, it’s mediocre at best.

Doug’s Hero – Ron Burgandy

Doug, you did prove something I have known for a long time, local TV journalists (retired or not) have monster egos – and whenever someone points out they know nothing except what they ‘can’ read in a teleprompter – they flip out, ironically on the blogosphere, the one thing that is slowly eroding their industry.

But I cannot blame you for becoming so apathetic, when 49% of your broadcast is dedicated to the 20% chance we might get precip tommorrow and the other 49% is dedicated to a info-commercial for Stan-Vera hospital it’s easy to become a uneducated about current events, like the fact that Coleman lost bigtime and Franken is a Harvard graduate and a bestselling author.

Doug, I suggest you give up blogging and go back to eating leftsa and practicing drums and enjoy your retirement. Oh, and can you Twitter your buddy Steve and tell him to do the same.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “I guess if I was retired and living in Arizona for the winter I would be spending my time going to antique tractor shows and perfecting my leftsa recipe and not blogging.”
  1. . . . or medication.

    Hey, Newland, are yah holding? Road trip to Arizona!!! (for medicinal purposes of course).

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