[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCvkatCGNFY[/youtube]I have no words. Just watch and throw up a little.

13 thoughts on “Holy holy holy!”
  1. Drunk and rambling is no way to start a revolution, man! If we’re gonna expose our Kenyan ‘president’ for what he is, we have to be sober.

  2. “I don no if a money dips, but hell, I’d sure give ’em a dip”
    that made me chuckle, but next time warm me Mr. Surden, as you owe me 7+ minutes of my life back.

  3. That guy was either wasted beyond the point where most people could move their lips, or a grade A inbred hick with a sub-room temperature IQ.

  4. I think he’s hot. The way he says the “f” word every third word and obviously knows that impeachment has to do with copenhagen.

    I’m in love.

  5. GoD:

    “That guy was either wasted beyond the point where most people could move their lips, or a grade A inbred hick with a sub-room temperature IQ.”

    or more likely both. This has made the Facebook rounds and I couldn’t get past minute 2. Kooks are kooks and there’s plenty on both sides, remember the “Obama = Hitler” kook that Frank lambasted was a LaRouche-bag Democrat who probably agrees with 90% or more of what Frank champions.

  6. Hey, this guy might be onto something, they wanted to impeach Clinton for sticking a cigar in an intern’s coochie, creating, what might be the oddest tasting tobacco ever.

  7. a LaRouche-bag Democrat who probably agrees with 90% or more of what Frank champions

    Nah, the larouchebags are conspiracy theorists who believe the US is controlled by a cabal including the trilateral comission and the British royal family.
    And possibly Colonel Sanders before he went tits up.
    Larouchbags are no more democrats than Freddy Phelps is a Christian.

    Hey, this guy might be onto something, they wanted to impeach Clinton for sticking a cigar in an intern’s coochie, creating, what might be the oddest tasting tobacco ever.

    Tuna flavored?

  8. This guy might not be as pretty as you Hollywierd liberal elitists but he speaks the truth. His right to flavored spit is just one of the MILLIONS of rights that have been stripped away from us. Remember what Obama said about the Constitution? “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper.”

  9. Wow. I can’t believe anyone can get behind this guy. The truth? He doesn’t speak the truth. He barely speaks English.

    “Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.”-Albert Einstien

    Carl Pope of the Sierra Club announces with great sadness the impending extinction of the Greater North American Snark due to it’s inexplicable inability to recognize it’s own species. Scientists have found an abnormal growth on the outside edge of each eye socket causing a blockage of all peripheral vision and destroying all perception of depth. Scientists speculate that this may be caused by either an increase in polarization of the atmosphere or possibly from constant pecking from the Lesser North American Snipe.

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