(Screenshot: Room for More Freedomworks Ad)

Governor Noem’s desk at Pheasantland Industries(Governor Noem’s desk at Pheasantland Industries)
Well, you gotta hand it to Ms. Fakey herself, filming a TV ad promoting work in South Dakota with a desk built by inmates as your backdrop. As Billy Bob Janks used to say,
“Warning. If you bring drugs into South Dakota, plan to stay a long, long time! AND learn new job skills!”
Not sure what Janks would think today, but I know what my late grandpa Carl would say about our Governor;
When God was handing out brains, she thought he said “trains” and asked him for a slow one!
I continue to be amazed how this woman was ever elected to public office in the first place. One thing for sure. She has set the bar so low as a part time occupant of the governors office that anyone could be elected regardless of qualifications with certain backers.
Knowing how narcistic this grifter is did she have her name carved into this desk? Will she take it with her when she leaves office or is there no name and stays with the office/state of South Dakota now?
Time for another prediction: Trump will pick Noem as his VP. That’s why she is not running right now, IMO.
Tell me more about this desk. Does the middle have a door so her son can come out of it in true John-John fashion? If so, then he can rise up and ask his Mom if she has fixed the federal deficit problem, yet, that she promised to do in a Monopoly playing political commercial with her son and his siblings back in 2010.
Climate change, A.I., Putin, North Korea, China, and Iran: I’m just not sure if riding a horse, while holding an American flag, is good enough.
Noem could conceivably be our first online college graduate American president and from State of all places. Palin went to six colleges, and then finally got a degree, while Truman went to done. State used to claim in a cute jingle that: “You can go anywhere from here”…. I guess they might be right, but how could it all still be so wrong?….. And indeed it is….
( and Woodstock adds: “Well, at least at the federal level there’s no food tax to worry about not getting repealed”…. (…. “On second thought, maybe Biden should replace Harris with Dua” 😉 ))
Now, SDSU is where you only need an ACT score of 18 to get in, right? While USD’s is 22, right? But places like Harvard have a much higher ACT score requirement, right? In fact, I think Harvard only accepts the SAT test, but given their lenient legacy admittance policies, like other Ivy League schools, I believe becoming president would make it easier for your off-spring to wear the Crimson Red or something like that, right?
As someone who has been in TK governor’s office many times over the last 50 years plus in many stately offices, this desk looks as plastic as her. All glitter and no substance. Too bad for us and the inmates.
that thing is big enough to house a corey lewandowski size human