By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Bowlcut & Bucktooth lays it on thick”
  1. I like how he said he got things done with 3 councilors. Also, here are the real stats on his Amazon Sales;

    #27 in Leadership books,
    #109 in political leadership &
    #334 in Federal government

  2. Amazon has Buttigieg’s book, ‘Shortest Way Home,’ at #1 (hardcover) and #2(Kindle) under the category of ‘Local U.S. Politics,” but the book about the Event Center’s siding doesn’t register at all under that category.

  3. The Amazon rankings are VERY changeable. The book probably *was* at #1 for several hours at some point after it was released. Friends and family could have pre-ordered or ordered on the release date.

    I remember another local author working hard on social media immediately before his book release, telling his friends how to help boost his book’s visibility and ranking on release date.

    Remember that the next time you hear the phrase “Amazon #1 Bestseller.”

  4. Belfrage gets his daily talking points from breitbart. With that in mind, he would naturally believe anything a con like huether tells him.

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